Come Over by Freestyle Rapper Brooklyn Bri

Written by on April 23, 2019

Come Over by Brooklyn Bri

Come Over by Brooklyn Bri

“Come Over” is a ht single by Brooklyn Bri. The new music video adds a well directed aspect to this release.

Brooklyn’s creativity is based on her surroundings. Her music usually begins with a freestyle. She then molds that freestyle into a song.

This is only one of the processes she uses for creating her work.

We connected with Brooklyn Bri and she shared a few thoughts with Grown Folks Jamz:

What type of recording process do you use and who produced your recording?
-I have many recording processes, I choose based on the energy. Overall I am a freestyle rapper, most of my verses start with a freestyle and then created to a verse. When recording on the mic… I can’t really say, it varies but I just go in and do it.

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-I am looking to nail a major record deal at the moment that includes certain benefits of independent artist.

Do you have any advice for up-and-coming artists?
-Be yourself, do you, focus and bigger than anything you have to believe

Anything else you want to say on the people?
-Brooklyn Bri is on the way… Look out… For now type in Youtube “Brooklyn Bri”and enjoy all of my dope music along with some visuals. Go to and leave me a message!

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